Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wow.  It sure has been a long time.  A lot has happened since my last post.  Miss Ulla was born in January and we formally adopted Rocket.  Some say we're crazy, but we love our one-infant-four-dog-two-cat household.  There truly is never a dull moment!

More later....

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Monday afternoon I picked up our new foster dog from the shelter. Known at the shelter at Pebbles and as Rocket at our house, she is one sweet girl.
Rocket is a petite pit bull mix. I do not know a great deal about her back story- just that she was a Dixie dog sent up from the south and, like many Dixie dogs, was left outside for most of her life. She is now three.
Things are going well here. Last night Rocket spent some time in bed with Luke and I. She curled herself into a tight little ball 'o dog between the two of us, and fell fast asleep. Watching her sweet little chest rise and fall as she rested safely made me feel as though I could cry. How anyone could remotely mistreat this creature is beyond me. How no one has fallen in love with her is also.

Well, we love her. I'm having a lovely time with her. While we need to work on manners, it seems a small task. So what if she pulls on the leash? So what if she licks incessantly? So what if she jumps up on people? And really, so what if Luke found her sitting in the middle of the dining room table this morning? Nothing a little clicker and bits of cheese can't take care of.

Bpui, Rocket and I went on a nice hike through the woods today. They got along swimmingly, which was heartening to see. I think Rocket really enjoyed herself- even if she had to stay on the Flexi the whole time.

Watching dogs be dogs is one of my favorite things to do. I got a great deal of joy from watching Rocket sniff, bound, trot, and jump around the wooded path today. She seemed truly happy. And in the short time she has been with us, I have seen none of the anxiety the shelter staff spoke of. In a home environment, I am gifted with her true colors.

We will show off those true colors at Country Fair this weekend. It is parent's weekend here at our school in the Valley, and campus will be teeming with people. Perhaps there will be a lovely family in search of their perfect companion, who are unbiased about a dog who happens to be stigmatized, black, and not yet trained.
Selfishly of me.
I hope she stays with us a long time.
It doesn't take me long to give my heart away to a dog, and I have done so with Rocket.
I'm thinking by the way she looks at me and doesn't let me out of her sight that she has given me hers, too.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hey! I'm back!

The holiday season is coming upon us once again. And after a hiatus due to being sick and then just taking a break from creating, little larry & me is up and running full steam ahead once again.

There is news: Soft Fred is my latest addition to my work. Soft Fred is a sweet little division of little larry & me, specifically for baby products. Soft Fred maintains the integrity of all that is ll&m...I only use high quality, bright, hip, unique fabric. I try hard to make baby items that don't scream "baby" but instead "hey, I'm a beautiful accessory that just happens to be for a baby."

In other news, I am going to add a new aspect to my blog for mommies and daddies out there- I am going to review a different children's book each week. It will be a great way to add to your child's library and/or expand the stories you read together.
That's all for now, dearies.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

twist push

As the days ease on, I continue to create. No part of the process of creation bothers me. So far I enjoy it all. It looks a little something like this:
Measure fabric.
Measure again.
Add webbing.
Iron again.
Load bobbin.
Thread machine.
Affix hardware.
Sew again.

And I’m cool with it. I’m really, really cool with it.
I once read the following in an artisan’s magazine regarding one’s wish to sell his/her handmade product: If you want to market your product, you need to be prepared to make many of the same thing. Can you make 200 of the same thing and not tire of it?

I thought I might. Tire of it, that is. But I haven’t. At least not yet. It is actually something that brings me peace, my creating. It has become my mantra. My om.

It certainly helps that I am passionate about my subject. I love the idea that my collars and leashes are heading out into the world to spend time resting on the neck of a fuzzy friend. I feel so lucky and excited that others appreciate my work and take it home to their companions to wear with pride.

The past few days have been the big push before Twist. I set up shop in the dining room upstairs instead of in my workshop downstairs, so I can be closer to my husband, dogs and cats. It is a bright and cheery room where the sun shines in on my machine. I have been enjoying the warmth on my back, and soft fur at my feet as I sew.

Tucker and Bpui have been camping out under the table while I am at my machine. It is lovely to have the company while I work. I love that they want to be close to me and I wish to be close to them. I only wish Tucker, Sherman and Bpui could join me at Twist! They would be such great salesdogs. But until they are allowed at art and craft fairs, I will keep them in my thoughts and heart as I sell little larry & me collars and leashes to my fellow dogheads.

See you at Twist!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

let's go for a hike

Spring has sprung here in the Valley. We have enjoyed some beautiful weather that warranted long hikes.

I hike or walk with the dogs every day, but these hikes were unlike those in the past few months. Instead of bombing through the woods in order to get home, back inside our cozy house, we strolled. I took the time to notice the beauty around me, and to watch the dogs enjoying their time in their element.

One of my favorite sights on our hikes is that of my dogs leaping and bounding off the trail, into the woods. They weave in and out of the trees with such stealth...I marvel at their coordination and grace.
We are so fortunate to live where we do. There are multiple trail systems right out of our backyard so access to a hike is easy. And while a quick walk down the street is lovely in its own way, the option to hike is our family's preference.

It is my time to meditate, to decompress. We don't have to jump out of the way when a car comes by and doesn't slow. The ground is soft and forgiving under our feet and paws. It is quiet, and we are surrounded by the sounds of the earth.

This week I am off from teaching. I can't wait to get up in the morning knowing that we can hike at any point during the day. Knowing that I don't have to wait until 3:45 to heighten my senses and quiet my thoughts.
Should you and your doggers wanto to join us at some point, drop me a line. We'll be here.

Monday, April 12, 2010

ZOWIE! Life has been incredibly busy here at our humble home. It is a good, fulfilling crazy though. Ok, to remain realistic, there is also a touch of exhaustion. But good exhaustion. Swear.

Since being accepted to Twist I have been sewing like a crazy person.

What is Twist you ask?

Weeeeelllll, Twist is a super groovy, hip craft/art fair in Northampton. Lucas and I have gone in the past as a Friday night activity. I had him at the phrase "You'll like it. There's beer on tap."

We have a Twist tradition, you see. It goes a little something like this: Drive to Northampton. Park in the Murder Lot. Head up the creepy stairs and cross the street to the Arts Council building. Go in. Pay admission. Head straight for the beer table. Then it is off to see our friend Sarah and her incredible artwork. (You can check her out at She's amazing.) After a visit with Sarah, we putt around, checking out the wares of all of the talented peeps. We pick up a little something here and there, feeling super good about the cool schtuff we've acquired. Then it's off to Mama Iguana's for 'ritas and 'ritos. Our idea of a great night out.

This spring it will be another great night out, but in a slightly different way, for I will be on the other side of the table. And while I am SUPERDEEDUPER excited about it, I am a tinge sad about breaking our special tradition. I suppose Luke will just have to drink his beer with me behind the table.

So for now I am just about living at my sewing machine. (After my daily walk or hike with the doggers, of course.) I've made 60 collars thus far and I am feeling pretty durn good about it. I am really pleased with the way they are turning out. They are bold, bright, hip, and unique. (Just like I like it!!) I have even created a line in honor of upcoming PRIDE week. I am especially excited about this. I hope some of my collars end up on cool dogs in the Pride parade in Northampton!

I've named this budding collection "Ulle's Cool Collar Collection" after my beloved late Uncle Ulle. He gave my brothers, cousin and I the greatest gift- to grow up in a family where homosexuality was not something to be accepted, it just was. It was nothing out of the ordinary, nothing to make waves about. Our uncle was our amazing man. Who happened to be gay.
Uncle Super Ridiculous Maximus (as we called him) rocked all sorts of beautiful clothing. Our particular favorite was a bright purple sequened shirt that he wore each Christmas. I actually have one of his button-down shirts, a slightly more toned-down black with pink and purple polka dots. I know he would LOVE the collars I have made for Pride. They are bright, beautiful, and colorful, just like he was. As I make each collar, I will think of him and the joy he brought to our lives. I can't wait to put one on Tucker, who Uncle Ulle really loved. And though Tuckie might not know what it means, I will.

And you can come see them at Twist. :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Come Play With Us

Life doesn't get much better than this for a spritely Boston Terrier.

Each Saturday, Sherman and I head to the doggie-meet-up in Turners Falls. It is a special time for the two of us as we walk up and down the field, mingling with the other dogs and humans.

Sherman loves these times. When we pull into the parking lot, Sherm is clammoring to go. He is like a typical teenager, asking me to drop him off at the mall entrance and letting me know that he'll meet up with me discreetly later. Once he's out of the car he's off like a rocket. Business first- sniff sniff here, sniff sniff there, potty time. Now it's time to PLAY.

Sherm has made some great friends at doggie play group. He really loves Max the lumbering English Bulldog and I pug I have yet to identify by name. They run, chase, and sniff hineys. They tug on sticks, splash in the Connecticut, and race after tennis balls together. It amazes me that there are few to no "doguments" (as I like to call them). There are a few scuffles here and there, but the humans who tend to go understand normal dog behavior and are pretty calm about it all. I love that.

On any given Saturday, especially when the weather agrees you may find upwards of 30 dogs romping around, eyes squinted, mouth hanging open. Tongue out, pant-pant-pant. The result of a happy, happy day.

It is one of the most beautiful scenes I've seen.

Perhaps we'll see you there some Saturday, and you and I can chat while Sherm and your pooch pretend they don't know us. :)